Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Public Welfare

IT has happened so many time over the past few years that it no longer surprises me. The IT being people who label themselves republicans and/or conservatives tell me they voted for laws restricting smoking. They can rant about the government intrusion in our lives all the live long day but they think it is okay to tell someone what they can or can't do if it involves "public health" even if the science it is based on is shaky.

This one former smoker I know (and they are the worst) kept telling me how they had passed a ballot initiative in his city to ban smoking in all bars and restaurants. He said he had voted for it. When I said I thought it wasn't the government's business to tell people what they could do with their own places of business he got very defensive.

He said, "It's unhealthy."

I said, "I know."

He said "You don't know how nice it is to be able to go into a bar and have a beer without someone sitting next to you blowing smoke in your face."

I said, "I know, but no one is forcing you to go into that particular establishment. It would be different if it were a government facility that you had to go to in order to conduct business. Why don't you go to the owner or manager and advise them that you like their establishment but you won't be patronizing it because they allow smoking? If enough people do that then they will change their policy - the free market will take care of it."

He replied, "I should be able to go to any place that allows or serves the public without being subjected to people's smoke."

I said, "Why?"

At that point he just kept repeating the same old talking points. Looking back it reminds me a lot of the way the "Climechangelings" (the former "Glormings") keep saying "The science is decided - climate change (read global warming) is real." As if saying it enough will make it so.

Let's face it - we all know smoking is not good for you. We all know that someone who is constantly exposed to second hand smoke may very well suffer the consequences. But does that give me the right to tell someone what they can do with their personal life or in a business they own. I think not. And all of those so-called conservatives who do think so have no idea what they are enabling..............

"CO2 emissions have to be reduced because it is a danger to public welfare. "

" We have to ban guns. Too many people are getting shot. It's a danger to public welfare."

"We have to curtail fast food intake. It's a danger to public welfare."

Just a few examples and notice I said public welfare because that word of generality will allow them to mandate many things like.......

"Anyone who has (what WE deem to be) high cholesterol will be forced to take statins regardless of the side effects because to not take them MIGHT put additional strain on the medical system and that would be a danger to the public welfare."

The same thing is being done with free speech issues. There are a lot of so-called conservatives who are defenders of free speech until you say something they don't like.

Personally I call that hypocrisy - which is most definitely a danger to the public welfare.

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