Monday, May 4, 2009

Let the Healing Begin

I remember back during the campaign for the 2004 election when John Edwards said that if he and John Kerry were elected people like Christopher Reeve would eventually get up out of their wheelchairs and walk. He was, of course, referring to the fact President Bush had stopped all federal funding on new stem cell lines. (As an aside he should have gotten up and walked the first time Rielle Hunter started making eyes at him. Instead, apparently, he just got up but didn't walk).

This faith healer trend seemed to continue in the last campaign when Joe “the Joke” Biden entreated wheelchair bound Missouri state senator Chuck Graham to stand up for a round of applause.

Now, I don't know if it is what they put in the democrats coffee, but it seems that Arlen Specter has jumped on the Benny Hine bandwagon.
What a putz.

If they can just heal everyone I wonder why the Obama administration is setting aside 634 billion for a national health care scheme. Instead they should be figuring out how to close down all the medical schools, set up job retraining for doctors and nurses, and renovate the hospitals for use as public housing.

Come on guys - get on the ball.

1 comment:

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